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Simplify Your GCE Instance Bootstrapping with Terraform

April 22, 2019 Matthew Shiroma

A quick dive into GCP, utilizing start up scripts to automate initial configuration setup via Terraform.

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  • Jun 5, 2019: Updated to include support for terraform v0.12 and higher.

In today’s fast paced market, saving time can mean the difference in making a crucial deadline. When utilizing cloud infrastructure, Nebulaworks strives to produce consistent end results for our clientele. As such, we advocate automating tasks in day-to-day development and operations. For instance, suppose we have a five node cluster on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that serves a public web service made up of multiple microservices. If we want to install a cluster orchestrator like Kubernetes, we would need to manually run installation commands on each instance. If this were a size N instance cluster, this quickly becomes monotonus, and prone to errors. Combined with the need for multiple clusters, the current workflow to configure these instances became every operator’s worst nightmare.

So, how does one achieve automation in a task? The quickest way to get started is by using startup scripts. Startup scripts are exactly like typical bash scripts developers write on a daily basis, with the only difference being they are automatically executed after an instance is created. It is an essential tool for any System Admin/DevOps/Developer to have under their belt.

At Nebulaworks, we achieved automating on-prem solutions by using startup scripts alongside Terraform. Once everything is configured, the only thing we need to do when it comes to deploying infrastructure is:

terraform plan
terraform apply

In this blog post, I will cover how to replicate this workflow in GCP, by installing both Docker and Kubernetes upon the creation of a Google Compute Engine (GCE) instance.


To follow along, you will need to have the following:

  1. A Google Account to access GCE
  2. Terraform installed on your local computer

While this blog post is catered to any skill level when using these tools, having prior knowledge of GCE and Terraform will be helpful.

Why Utilize Terraform?

Good question! Since we are going to be focusing on GCE, one may know about the --metadata flag that can be attatched when using the gcloud CLI. As demonstrated below:

gcloud compute instances create testinstance \
  --image-family ubuntu-1804-lts \
  --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
  --metadata-from-file startup-script=<PATH_TO_SCRIPT>

We can quickly spin up an instance that will automatically run a startup script we specify, right out of the box. However, the downside is that it is not easy to manage our deployment with a large team. What happens when the instance needs to be resized? How will that be conveyed to the team? Perhaps the instances you created have numerous parameters, with some resources needing to be created before other resources. Not only will your team have to keep track of a massive gcloud statement, but it quickly becomes impractical to manage.

Terraform answers to these issues are:

With those three benefits, Terraform it is a good fit for our use case. However, as like every tool, Terraform is not the only resource you should use to automate your deployments. It is a good start in improving a task, but not the answer to all scenarios. In other words, it is worthwhile to research its strengths and weaknesses moving forward.

Step-By-Step Usage

With the way Terraform is designed, it is extremely straightforward in sharing code that can produce the same outcome, no matter what computer it is run on. In this section, I share snippets of my Terraform code that I have written to help you get going. You can also find this on my GitLab Repository and use that if you desire.

  1. Create a file hierarchy for your project. Mine looks like the following:

    Basic Terraform Hierarchy
    Basic Terraform Hierarchy

    In general, it is a good idea to separate the scripts that you made for Terraform away from the .tf files.

  2. If not already done, create a new .sh script in the scripts folder. In our case, the script I will provide here will automatically install docker and kubectl.

    # Installing kubectl on an Ubuntu machine
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
    curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
    # Installing Docker on an Ubuntu machine
    sudo apt install -y
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  3. Create these three .tf files and place them in the root directory of the folder you just made.These files are the underline template of how Terraform interacts with outside providers, streamlining their API calls with their HCL language.

    # This is the provider used to spin up the gcloud instance
    provider "google" {
      project = var.project_name
      region  = var.region_name
      zone    = var.zone_name
    # Locks the version of Terraform for this particular use case
    terraform {
      required_version = "~>0.12.0"
    # This creates the google instance
    resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
      name         = "terraform-instance"
      machine_type = var.machine_size
      boot_disk {
        initialize_params {
          image = var.image_name
      network_interface {
        network       = "default"
        # Associated our public IP address to this instance
        access_config = {
          nat_ip = google_compute_address.static.address
      # We connect to our instance via Terraform and remotely executes our script using SSH
      provisioner "remote-exec" {
        script = var.script_path
        connection {
          type        = "ssh"
          host        = google_compute_address.static.address
          user        = var.username
          private_key = file(var.private_key_path)
    # We create a public IP address for our google compute instance to utilize
    resource "google_compute_address" "static" {
      name = "vm-public-address"

    How Terraform handles startup scripts in instances is the usage of the provisioner block. This allows for Terraform to automatically log into the instance and execute the passed in script. This itself is very powerful and has multiple ways of being used. However, for the sake of this blog, we will only be looking at this type of provisioner.

    variable "project_name" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The name of the project to instanciate the instance at."
      default     = "mattyshiro-vaulttraining"
    variable "region_name" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The region that this terraform configuration will instanciate at."
      default     = "us-west1"
    variable "zone_name" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The zone that this terraform configuration will instanciate at."
      default     = "us-west1-b"
    variable "machine_size" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The size that this instance will be."
      default     = "f1-micro"
    variable "image_name" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The kind of VM this instance will become"
      default     = "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1804-bionic-v20190403"
    variable "script_path" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "Where is the path to the script locally on the machine?"
    variable "private_key_path" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The path to the private key used to connect to the instance"
    variable "username" {
      type        = "string"
      description = "The name of the user that will be used to remote exec the script"

    These are all of the variables that will be interpolated in all of the .tf files that reference them. For the most part, we can explicitly define our own values into them, but more importantly, we can also pass in an additional file, terraform.tfvars, that will override any of the values that we passed in here.

    output "instance_name" {
      value = "${}"

    This file will be the resulting output that Terraform will return once it is done applying its work. In this case, we will just return the name of the instance that has been made.

  4. Create a terraform.tfvars in the root directory of the project. This will contain variables that are not suitable for SCM, since they often vary in values depending on the system Terraform will be run in. The format of this file looks like the following:


    # Variables that are dependendent on the user are declared here
    script_path = "<SOME_PATH>"
    private_key_path = "<SOME_PATH>"
    username = "<some_value>"
  5. Once all of the files are in place, export the GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON variable in your current session, which points to your .json file that contains the google cloud keyfile that your project generated. More information on obtaining this file can be found here.

    export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON=/path/to/keyfile/on/computer
  6. From there, you will need to initialize Terraform into your working directory with all of your .tf files. Run the following command, which if you were following this blog post up until now, should give you the confirmation that it is good to go.

    Terraform Init Command
    Terraform Init Command
  7. Now the fun part. No really. These two commands will not only spin up a single GCE instance, it will also run the script that we made earlier automatically after the instance is done running.

    terraform plan
    terraform apply
    Terraform Plan Results
    Terraform Plan Results

    If you do a gcloud compute ssh ... onto the instance that you made, you can verify if the instance that you made has the specified software.

    Terraform Output
    Terraform Output
    GCE Result
    GCE Result


While all of this may seem like a lot of initial headway, in the long run, having a simple way to quickly instantiate instances with preinstalled software will prove its weight in gold. Developing practices like this, in the long run, will improve your workflow and the end results of your application. No longer are the days where you have to linearly run commands in instances; now you can do three simple lines and get some much needed fresh air.

Terraform, as a result, is quickly being adopted by numerous DevOps practitioners due to how powerful the tool can be when it comes to both collaborating and improving existing workflows. To simplify your GCE instance bootstrapping process with Terraform, it is a step in the right direction for introducing workflow automation.

Have you ever used Terraform in quickly deploying ready to be used instances on any Cloud platform? Or are you interested in seeing what other use cases Terraform falls under? If so, feel free to reach out to us.

Insight Authors

Matthew Shiroma, Cloud Engineer Matthew Shiroma Cloud Engineer
Nebulaworks - Wide/concrete light half gray

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